Best Western Banbury House Hotel, Banbury
select your roomQ&A about Best Western Banbury House Hotel, Banbury Amenities
Do they offer free parking?
They do offer free parking.
Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?
The hotel provide free access to the internet.
Is breakfast available at the hotel?
The hotel has breakfast available.
Does the hotel have a front desk?
Yes. There is.
Is there a business center in the hotel?
Yes. The hotel has bussiness center.
Does the hotel offer laundry service?
Yes. There is room laundry service.
Does the hotel staff speak multiple languages?
Yes. The hotel has multilingual staff.
Do they have hair dryer in room?
Yes. The rooms have hair dryers.
Is there a tv in the hotel room?
Yes. The room has a TV.
Is there a bar in the hotel?
Yes. There is a bar attached to the hotel.
Does the hotel offer daily housekeeping?
Yes. The housekeeping team cleans the rooms on daily basis.
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