Cairns Plaza Hotel
select your roomQ&A about Cairns Plaza Hotel Amenities
Do they offer free parking?
They do offer free parking.
Is there a pool at this hotel?
Yes. The hotel offers a pool.
Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?
The hotel provide free access to the internet.
Can I request a non-smoking room?
Guests can book a no-smoking room.
Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?
The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.
Does the hotel have a restaurant?
It's a hotel with a restaurant.
Does the hotel have a front desk?
Yes. There is.
Are laundry services available at the hotel?
The hotel offers laungry service for guests.
Is there a bar in the hotel?
Yes. There is a bar attached to the hotel.
Is it possible to book a family room?
There are family rooms at the hotel.
Does the hotel clean rooms daily?
Yes. They will clean everyday.