Q&A about Casuarina Amenities
Do they offer free parking?
They do offer free parking.
Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?
The hotel provide free access to the internet.
Is there air conditioning in the room?
Yes. There are rooms equipped with air conditioning.
Does the hotel have a front desk?
Yes. There is.
Is there any room with kitchenware?
Yes. The hotel offers rooms with kitchenettes.
Does the room provide a minibar ?
In-Room refrigerator is available.
Does the hotel provide fresh towels?
Yes. Towels are provided.
Do they have hair dryer in room?
Yes. The rooms have hair dryers.
Does the hotel have rooms that have showers available?
There are rooms with shower.
Is there a tv in the hotel room?
Yes. The room has a TV.
Is there outdoor dining area at the hotel?
There is ourdoor dining area.
Does the hotel have a garden?
Yes. The hotel has a garden.