Church Barn

select your room
Harberton,, Harberton, TQ9 7SH, United Kingdom

Q&A about Church Barn Amenities

  • Is parking free ?

    Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.

  • Does the hotel have internet free of charge?

    Yes. It's free.

  • Can I request a non-smoking room?

    Guests can book a no-smoking room.

  • Are there any towels in the room?

    The hotel provides towel in rooms.

  • Does the hotel provice haid dry in the rooms?

    The rooms come with hari dryers and other basics.

  • Does the hotel provide rooms with shower room?

    Yes. They do provide the basics.

  • Does the room have an electric kettle?

    There are rooms with electric kettle.

  • Is there a garden in the hotel?

    There is a garden.

  • Does the hotel offer bottle of water in the room?

    The hotel provide water in the room.

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