Highwayman Hotel, Dunstable
select your roomQ&A about Highwayman Hotel, Dunstable Amenities
Does anyone know if the hotel offers free parking ?
Yes. Parking is free.
Should I pay for the wifi?
No. You don't have to. The hotel offers Wi-fi free.
Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?
The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.
Does the hotel provide breakfast?
Yes. Breakfast is provided.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel have an ATM machine?
The hotel has ATM machines which is accessible to guests.
Are laundry services available at the hotel?
The hotel offers laungry service for guests.
Does the hotel have tv in rooms?
The rooms are equipped with TV.
Does the hotel have a bar?
The hotel has a bar.
Does the hotel provide ticket service for guests during their stay?
Yes. The hotel provides ticket service.