Q&A about Jacobs Estate Cottage Amenities
Is parking free ?
Yes. There is no charge for parking.
Is there a charge for in room Wi-Fi?
They do offer free Wi-Fi.
Is non-smoking room available?
There are non-smoking rooms.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Does the hotel provide kitchenette rooms for guests?
Guests can book a room with kitchenware.
Does the hotel provide towels for guests?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Do the bathroom have a hair dryer ?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Is there an electric kettle in the room?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Are bathrobes provided at the hotel?
There are rooms with bathrobes.
Does the hotel have a garden?
Yes. The hotel has a garden.
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