Kaha Lani Resort #121

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Wailua, HI 96766, United States of America

Q&A about Kaha Lani Resort #121 Amenities

  • Is parking free ?

    Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.

  • Is there a pool at this hotel?

    Yes. The hotel offers a pool.

  • Does the hotel have internet free of charge?

    Yes. It's free.

  • Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?

    There are rooms with kitchenware.

  • Are laundry services available at the hotel?

    The hotel offers laungry service for guests.

  • Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?

    Yes. There is one in the room.

  • Does the hotel provice haid dry in the rooms?

    The rooms come with hari dryers and other basics.

  • Does the hotel provide rooms with shower room?

    Yes. They do provide the basics.

  • Does the hotel have tv in rooms?

    The rooms are equipped with TV.

  • Is there a grocery delivery service to the hotel?

    Yes. The hotel offers grocery delivery services.

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