Lakefront Bedroom(s) w/private En-Suite

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1085 Hawthorne Cove Dr, Orlando, FL 34761, United States of America

Q&A about Lakefront Bedroom(s) w/private En-Suite Amenities

  • Is parking free ?

    Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.

  • Does this hotel have a pool?

    Yes. The hotel has a pool if I recall correctly.

  • Does the hotel have internet free of charge?

    Yes. It's free.

  • Does the hotel offer non-smoking rooms?

    Yes. There are smoke-free rooms.

  • Is there air conditioning in the room?

    Yes. There are rooms equipped with air conditioning.

  • Will the hotel hold your luggage?

    Yes. They store luggage for guests.

  • Is there bottle of water in the room?

    Yes. There is bottle of water in the room.

  • Does the hotel offer rooms for family?

    They do have rooms for family.

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