Marco LaGuardia Hotel & Suites
select your roomQ&A about Marco LaGuardia Hotel & Suites Amenities
Is parking free ?
Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Are there opportunities to exercise at the hotel?
Yes, guests have access to the gym during their stay.
Does the hotel offer non-smoking rooms?
Yes. There are smoke-free rooms.
Is there air conditioning in the room?
Yes. There are rooms equipped with air conditioning.
Is it possible have dinner at the hotel?
They do have a restaurant.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel have a business center?
It's a hotel with business center.
Is there an ATM at the hotel?
Yes. They have ATM machines.
Will the hotel hold your luggage?
Yes. They store luggage for guests.
Does the hotel offer laundry service?
Yes. There is room laundry service.
Can I send and receive a fax from the hotel?
They have fax in the hotel.
Does the hotel have vending machine?
Yes. They do have vending machines.
Does the hotel have a bar?
The hotel has a bar.
Is there bottle of water in the room?
Yes. There is bottle of water in the room.
Does the hotel offer rooms for family?
They do have rooms for family.
Is there any elevator for hotel guests?
The hotel has elevators.
Is parking garage available at the hotel?
Yes. The hotel has a parking garage.
I would like to know if the hotel offers shuttle service.
Yes, they have shuttle service.
Does the hotel have an airpot shuttle?
Yes, the hotel offers an airport shuttle for guests.
Does the hotel offer daily housekeeping?
Yes. The housekeeping team cleans the rooms on daily basis.