Q&A about Ocean International Hotel Amenities
Is it possible to swim at the hotel?
Yes. There is a pool.
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Is non-smoking room available?
There are non-smoking rooms.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Is it possible to eat breakfast at the hotel?
The hotel provides breakfast for guests.
Is there a restaurant at the hotel?
Yes. Restaurant is available.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel offer laundry service for guests during their stay?
There is a service in the hotel that washes and irons clothes for guests.
Is there a garden in the hotel?
There is a garden.
Does the hotel have a bar?
The hotel has a bar.
Does housekeeping clean everyday?
Yes. The housekeeping team cleans every day.