Osprey Holiday Village, Exmouth

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3 star hotel in Exmouth
570 Murat Road, Exmouth, WA, 6707, Australia

Q&A about Osprey Holiday Village, Exmouth Amenities

  • Is parking free ?

    Yes. There is no charge for parking.

  • Does this hotel have a pool?

    Yes. The hotel has a pool if I recall correctly.

  • Is there air conditioning in the room?

    Yes. There are rooms equipped with air conditioning.

  • Is there any room with kitchenware?

    Yes. The hotel offers rooms with kitchenettes.

  • Does the hotel offer laundry service?

    Yes. There is room laundry service.

  • Does the room provide a minibar ?

    In-Room refrigerator is available.

  • Does the hotel have a garden?

    Yes. The hotel has a garden.

  • Is this possible guests buy tickets at the hotel?

    Yes. Guests can purchase tickets from hotel.

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