Osprey Holiday Village Unit 201 - 1 Bedroom
select your roomUnit 201 - 1 Bed Osprey Holiday Village 570 Murat Road, 6707 Exmouth, Australia
Q&A about Osprey Holiday Village Unit 201 - 1 Bedroom Amenities
Is there a pool at this hotel?
Yes. The hotel offers a pool.
Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?
The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.
Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?
There are rooms with kitchenware.
Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?
Yes. There is one in the room.
Are there any towels in the room?
The hotel provides towel in rooms.
Are there rooms with sofa at the hotel?
Yes. The room has a sofa.
Does the room have an electric kettle?
There are rooms with electric kettle.
Is there outdoor dining area at the hotel?
There is ourdoor dining area.
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