Pavillions Penthouse 25 - 4 Bedroom Luxury Ocean View Hamilton Island
select your roomQ&A about Pavillions Penthouse 25 - 4 Bedroom Luxury Ocean View Hamilton Island Amenities
Is it possible to swim at the hotel?
Yes. There is a pool.
Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?
The hotel provide free access to the internet.
Is non-smoking room available?
There are non-smoking rooms.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Does the hotel provide kitchenette rooms for guests?
Guests can book a room with kitchenware.
Does the room have refrigerators for guests to store food?
Yes. The hotel provides one for guests.
Do the bathroom have a hair dryer ?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Do the rooms have showers?
Yes. There is shower in the room.
Is it possible to watch tv in the room?
Guests can watch TV during their stay.
Is there any room with sofa at the hotel?
The hotel provides sofas in rooms.
Is there outdoor dining area at the hotel?
There is ourdoor dining area.
Is it possible to park the car in the parking garage?
Yes. There is a parking garage in the hotel.
Does the hotel provide shuttle to the airport for guests?
Guests can request airport shuttle.
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