Polynesian Shores #223
select your room3995 Lower Honoapiilani Road #223, Lahaina, HI 96761, United States of America
Q&A about Polynesian Shores #223 Amenities
Does anyone know if the hotel offers free parking ?
Yes. Parking is free.
Is there a pool at this hotel?
Yes. The hotel offers a pool.
Should I pay for the wifi?
No. You don't have to. The hotel offers Wi-fi free.
Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?
There are rooms with kitchenware.
Are laundry services available at the hotel?
The hotel offers laungry service for guests.
Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?
Yes. There is one in the room.
Are there any towels in the room?
The hotel provides towel in rooms.
Does the hotel have tv in rooms?
The rooms are equipped with TV.
Are there rooms with sofa at the hotel?
Yes. The room has a sofa.
Is it possible to book a family room?
There are family rooms at the hotel.
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