Q&A about Ridge 611Ocean View Villa Amenities
Is parking free ?
Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.
Is it possible to swim at the hotel?
Yes. There is a pool.
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Does the hotel offer fitness room for guests?
Yes. Guests have access to the gym.
Is non-smoking room available?
There are non-smoking rooms.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Is there an ATM machine in the hotel?
There is ATM machine placed in the hotel.
Does the hotel provide kitchenette rooms for guests?
Guests can book a room with kitchenware.
Does the hotel offer laundry service for guests during their stay?
There is a service in the hotel that washes and irons clothes for guests.
Do the rooms have showers?
Yes. There is shower in the room.
Is it possible to watch tv in the room?
Guests can watch TV during their stay.
Does the hotel offer bathtub ?
The hotel provides bathtub in rooms.
Is there a garden in the hotel?
There is a garden.
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