South Kihei C4-1 - 1 Br Condo, Kihei

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4 star hotel in Kihei
Kihei, HI, United States of America

Q&A about South Kihei C4-1 - 1 Br Condo, Kihei Amenities

  • Does this hotel have a pool?

    Yes. The hotel has a pool if I recall correctly.

  • Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?

    The hotel provide free access to the internet.

  • Is there an ATM at the hotel?

    Yes. They have ATM machines.

  • Is there any room with kitchenware?

    Yes. The hotel offers rooms with kitchenettes.

  • Does the hotel have a garden?

    Yes. The hotel has a garden.

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