82 Coraki Drive, 2549 Pambula Beach, Australia

Q&A about Surfside Amenities

  • Is non-smoking room available?

    There are non-smoking rooms.

  • Does the hotel provide kitchenette rooms for guests?

    Guests can book a room with kitchenware.

  • Does the room have refrigerators for guests to store food?

    Yes. The hotel provides one for guests.

  • Does the hotel provide towels for guests?

    Yes. They do provide the basics.

  • Do the rooms have showers?

    Yes. There is shower in the room.

  • Is there an electric kettle in the room?

    Yes. They do provide the basics.

  • Does the hotel have an outdoor dining area?

    The hotel provides an outdoor dining area.

  • Is there a garden in the hotel?

    There is a garden.

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