The Encore Club at Reunion - Six Bedroom Villa - EC009

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481 Novi Path, Celebration, Orlando, FL 34747, United States of America

Q&A about The Encore Club at Reunion - Six Bedroom Villa - EC009 Amenities

  • Is there a pool at this hotel?

    Yes. The hotel offers a pool.

  • Should I pay for the wifi?

    No. You don't have to. The hotel offers Wi-fi free.

  • Is there a gym at the hotel?

    Yes. There's a gym at the hotel.

  • Is parking available at the hotel?

    Yes. It's available to guests.

  • Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?

    The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.

  • Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?

    There are rooms with kitchenware.

  • Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?

    Yes. There is one in the room.

  • Are there any towels in the room?

    The hotel provides towel in rooms.

  • Does the hotel provice haid dry in the rooms?

    The rooms come with hari dryers and other basics.

  • Does the hotel provide rooms with shower room?

    Yes. They do provide the basics.

  • Does the hotel have tv in rooms?

    The rooms are equipped with TV.

  • Are there rooms with sofa at the hotel?

    Yes. The room has a sofa.

  • Is there rooms with bathtub?

    Yes. There are rooms with bathtubs.

  • Does the hotel have an outdoor dining area?

    The hotel provides an outdoor dining area.

  • Does the hotel provide rooms with game console?

    There are rooms equipped with game console.

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