The Holt Hotel, Bicester
select your roomQ&A about The Holt Hotel, Bicester Amenities
Is parking free ?
Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Does the hotel provide breakfast?
Yes. Breakfast is provided.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel have a business center?
It's a hotel with business center.
Is there any multilingual staff that speak foreign language?
There is multilingual staff speaks more than language.
Does the hotel provice haid dry in the rooms?
The rooms come with hari dryers and other basics.
Does the hotel have tv in rooms?
The rooms are equipped with TV.
Is there a garden in the hotel?
There is a garden.
Does the hotel have a bar?
The hotel has a bar.
Does the hotel clean rooms daily?
Yes. They will clean everyday.
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