Q&A about The Suite by the Cablepark Amenities
Does anyone know if the hotel offers free parking ?
Yes. Parking is free.
Should I pay for the wifi?
No. You don't have to. The hotel offers Wi-fi free.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Does the hotel provide kitchenette rooms for guests?
Guests can book a room with kitchenware.
Do they accept pets?
Yes. The hotel allows pets.
Does the room have refrigerators for guests to store food?
Yes. The hotel provides one for guests.
Does the hotel provide towels for guests?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Is there an electric kettle in the room?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Does the hotel have an outdoor dining area?
The hotel provides an outdoor dining area.
Is there any family room in the hotel?
Yes. The hotel has family rooms.