Waldorf Astoria Orlando
select your roomQ&A about Waldorf Astoria Orlando Amenities
Do they offer free parking?
They do offer free parking.
Is it possible to swim at the hotel?
Yes. There is a pool.
Does the hotel offer fitness room for guests?
Yes. Guests have access to the gym.
Is non-smoking room available?
There are non-smoking rooms.
Do the hotel rooms have air conditioning?
Yes. There are rooms with AC.
Is it possible to eat breakfast at the hotel?
The hotel provides breakfast for guests.
Is there a restaurant at the hotel?
Yes. Restaurant is available.
Does the hotel have a front desk?
Yes. There is.
Is there a business center in the hotel?
Yes. The hotel has bussiness center.
Is there an ATM machine in the hotel?
There is ATM machine placed in the hotel.
Is it possible to leave the luggage in the hotel?
Yes. The hotel will hold your bags.
Will the hotel exchange money for guests?
Foreign currency transaction in hotel is possible.
Does the hotel offer laundry service for guests during their stay?
There is a service in the hotel that washes and irons clothes for guests.
Are bathrobes provided at the hotel?
There are rooms with bathrobes.
Is it possible to send and receive a fax during my stay?
Yes. The hotel do offer fax service.
Do they have vending machines on the floor?
There is a vending machine at the hotel with snacks and soft drinks.
Is there a bar in the hotel?
Yes. There is a bar attached to the hotel.
Can guests enjoy spa services during their stay?
Yes. Relax with the spa service is possible.
Can guests buy tickets from the hotel?
It's possible to buy tickets at the hotel.
Is bottle of water available in the hotel room?
Bottle of water is available in the hotel room.
Does the hotel have a car rental desk?
It’s is possible for guests to rent a car.
Is there any family room in the hotel?
Yes. The hotel has family rooms.
Does the hotel have a elevator?
Yes. This hotel has several.
Does the hotel offer eclectric vehicle charging station?
Yes. There is a electric vehicle charging station available for use.
Is shuttle service offered at the hotel?
The hotel provides shuttle services.
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