Washington Court Hotel

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4 star hotel in Washington
525 New Jersey Avenue Northwest, Northwest, Washington, D.C., DC 20001, United States of America

Q&A about Washington Court Hotel Amenities

  • Is there a pool at this hotel?

    Yes. The hotel offers a pool.

  • Is the the Wi-Fi in the room free?

    The hotel provide free access to the internet.

  • Is there a gym at the hotel?

    Yes. There's a gym at the hotel.

  • Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?

    The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.

  • Does the hotel have a restaurant?

    It's a hotel with a restaurant.

  • Does the hotel have a front desk?

    Yes. There is.

  • Is there a business center in the hotel?

    Yes. The hotel has bussiness center.

  • Does the hotel have an ATM machine?

    The hotel has ATM machines which is accessible to guests.

  • Is it possible to leave the luggage in the hotel?

    Yes. The hotel will hold your bags.

  • Is this place service pets friendly?

    Yes. The hotel is pet friendly.

  • Are laundry services available at the hotel?

    The hotel offers laungry service for guests.

  • Are there bathrobes in each room?

    The hotel provides bathrobe for guests.

  • Does the hotel provide fax service?

    Yes. Guests can send or receive fax during their stay.

  • Is there a bar in the hotel?

    Yes. There is a bar attached to the hotel.

  • Is it possible to book a family room?

    There are family rooms at the hotel.

  • Does the hotle offer elevator for guests?

    Yes. There is elevators in the hotel.

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