select your roomQ&A about WESTGATE LAKES RESORT & SPA, Orlando Amenities
Is parking free ?
Yes. Free of charge parking is provided by the hotel.
Is there a pool at this hotel?
Yes. The hotel offers a pool.
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Is there a gym at the hotel?
Yes. There's a gym at the hotel.
Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?
The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel have an ATM machine?
The hotel has ATM machines which is accessible to guests.
Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?
There are rooms with kitchenware.
Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?
Yes. There is one in the room.
Does the hotel have a bar?
The hotel has a bar.
Does the hotel provide spa services for guests?
Guests can expect spa services during their stay.
Is there a convenience store nearby?
Yes. There is.
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