Q&A about Youngys Holiday Home Amenities
Does the hotel have internet free of charge?
Yes. It's free.
Are the rooms equipped with air conditioning?
The hotel offers rooms with air conditioning.
Is there a front desk in the hotel?
The hotel has a front desk.
Does the hotel offer rooms with kitchenware?
There are rooms with kitchenware.
Does this hotel have a refrigerator in the room?
Yes. There is one in the room.
Are there any towels in the room?
The hotel provides towel in rooms.
Does the hotel provide rooms with shower room?
Yes. They do provide the basics.
Does the hotel have tv in rooms?
The rooms are equipped with TV.
Does the hotel have an outdoor dining area?
The hotel provides an outdoor dining area.
Is there a garden in the hotel?
There is a garden.
Does the hotel have a parking garage?
Guests can park their car in the garage.
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